Cubbyhouse Montessori

Our 0-3 environments consist of our Nido (nest) for our babies and infant community.

The children are offered individualised hands-on activities which stimulate all their senses and promote independence, co-ordination and language development. At this age the infants are exploring and interacting with the environment and learning about their bodies and the world around them. Specially prepared activities meet the developmental needs of each child growing their independence, communication, self -esteem and confidence.

3-6 - Children’s House

The 3 to 6 year old child is engaged in a process of self-construction. In the Children’s House the carefully prepared environment includes activities that allow each child to choose according to their own curiosity. A strong sense of order within the classroom gives the children respect, structure, freedom and a sense of belonging. Through the process of interaction learning leads to discovery, increasing concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and develops a love of learning. The teacher observes each child and plans activities based on their individual needs, interests and readiness. Our learning environments encompass both indoor and outdoor spaces. By engaging in individual and group activities, communication, independence and self-regulation are fostered.

There are five main areas in the Children’s House program: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics and Cultural studies (which include Creative Arts, Music, Science, Geography, Biology and History and Movement).

The Program

Our program embraces the Montessori philosophy and aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework, Queensland kindergarten learning guidelines and National Quality Framework. It invites the children to choose activities in an unhurried manner. The classroom provides for both active and quiet spaces, where children can feel free to enjoy the many activities in an unhurried atmosphere. Classrooms support the developing child’s sense of order and create opportunities for discovery and concept development. The Montessori materials are carefully designed to enable choice and support the developmental needs and interests of the children. 

Each classroom will plan its own routines to best accommodate the needs of the children as a group and each child as an individual. Routines and rituals are very flexible and change as the children grow older, as they move into new groups and as the year and seasons progress. 

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The Curriculum

Within the prepared environment the Montessori program address five different curriculum areas. Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Numeracy and Cultural Area.

The Montessori equipment addresses practical life skills, fine motor development, eye-hand coordination, development of all the senses, writing, reading, numeracy, geography, history, biology, science, art and music. By combining all these areas, we give each child a strong foundation for later learning. 

Additionally, the curriculum areas of Language, Mathematics and Culture integrate to support the development of mind (cognitive), body (physical) and spirit (emotional/self).


Each year the children enjoy a variety of incursions. Each incursion supports and extends classroom activities and learning. We have enjoyed watching chickens hatch, viewed and handled sea creatures and farm animals, dentist visits and more.



Each year Studio da Vinci works with teachers to bring a STEAM project to the classrooms. The activities cross the boundaries of science, technology, engineering, the Arts and maths.

Health & Nutrition 

Cubbyhouse Montessori understands that healthy eating habits begin at a young age. We are proud to offer the children nutritious, diverse and delicious meals and snacks. Menus are designed to provide at least 50% of daily recommended intake and maximise nutrition, including fresh fruit and vegetables daily. Artificial additives and allergen items are minimised as much as possible, for example, our bread is preservative free. Mealtimes are special times to gather together in a calm setting using real china, cutlery and glassware.

Celebrating your child’s birthdays: at Cubbyhouse Montessori we invite parents to bring in a fruit platter to share for afternoon tea with friends

Nurturing Positive Choices 

At Cubbyhouse Montessori we believe that behaviour is taught and learned. When children make poor choices or use inappropriate behaviour we see these as opportunities for children to learn a better way. Our program Nurturing positive choices is based on satisfying needs, both children’s and those of the staff and parents. We want our children to be at peace and to be happy as they strengthen their individual sense of who they are and who they will become. Our keys to learning support and provide a coordinated approach across the Cubbyhouse centres. 

Nurturing positive choices is included continually within the teaching and learning process.

Perceptual Motor

Movement is essential for learning. Maria Montessori recognised the importance of motor development. Her method includes educational gymnastics - planned exercises to develop the co-ordinated movements of both fine and gross motor development. Children’s movements begin to become more refined and coordinated between three and seven years. As motor development become more proficient learning opportunities are enhanced. Our targeted program supports the natural development of the children providing specific muscle and skill development to support overall physical development

Mandarine Language & culture

Cubbyhouse Montessori offers Mandarin and culture classes to children enrolled in the Children’s House. It is implemented by a native Mandarin speaker who is an experienced and qualified Early Childhood Educator. Each session is fun and interactive, incorporating pictures, role play, songs and games. The children’s daily educators reinforce learning throughout the week. 

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Each year the children enjoy a variety of incursions. Each incursion supports and extends classroom activities and learning. We have enjoyed watching chickens hatch, viewed and handled sea creatures and farm animals, dentist visits and more.



Each year Studio da Vinci works with teachers to bring a STEAM project to the classrooms. The activities cross the boundaries of science, technology, engineering, the Arts and maths.

Health & Nutrition 

Cubbyhouse Montessori understands that healthy eating habits begin at a young age. We are proud to offer the children nutritious, diverse and delicious meals and snacks. Menus are designed to provide at least 50% of daily recommended intake and maximise nutrition, including fresh fruit and vegetables daily. Artificial additives and allergen items are minimised as much as possible, for example, our bread is preservative free. Mealtimes are special times to gather together in a calm setting using real china, cutlery and glassware.

Celebrating your child’s birthdays: at Cubbyhouse Montessori we invite parents to bring in a fruit platter to share for afternoon tea with friends

Nurturing Positive Choices 

At Cubbyhouse Montessori we believe that behaviour is taught and learned. When children make poor choices or use inappropriate behaviour we see these as opportunities for children to learn a better way. Our program Nurturing positive choices is based on satisfying needs, both children’s and those of the staff and parents. We want our children to be at peace and to be happy as they strengthen their individual sense of who they are and who they will become. Our keys to learning support and provide a coordinated approach across the Cubbyhouse centres. 

Nurturing positive choices is continually embedded within the teaching and learning process.

Perceptual Motor

Movement is essential for learning. Maria Montessori recognised the importance of motor development. Her method includes educational gymnastics - planned exercises to develop the co-ordinated movements of both fine and gross motor development. Children’s movements begin to become more refined and coordinated between three and seven years. As motor development become more proficient learning opportunities are enhanced. Our targeted program supports the natural development of the children providing specific muscle and skill development to support overall physical development

Mandarine Language & culture

Cubbyhouse Montessori offers Mandarin and culture classes to children enrolled in the Children’s House. It is implemented by a native Mandarin speaker who is an experienced and qualified Early Childhood Educator. Each session is fun and interactive, incorporating pictures, role play, songs and games. The children’s daily educators reinforce learning throughout the week. 

Music and Movement

a different times of the year, we offer specialist Music and Drama incursions. 

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Thanks so much for sharing Cubby with us!❤️ You guys create such an amazing environment to inspire and support the children. 

- Julio

Thank you so much for loving and caring for our babies and children in Cubbyhouse as if they were yours. We are so lucky to have you all in our lives. 

– Kate 

You are all amazing and our kids are lucky to have the support and care you provide xx 

- Laura

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